Sunday, March 18, 2007

Getting over the Land Down Under

I'm writing this from the airport in Seoul and everything on this computer is in Korean except the keyboard. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to post this or if I'll end up accidentally launching missles at North Korea.

I'm on my way to Bangkok now. I left Melbourne this morning (at 4:30 am) and I will get to Thailand after midnight (which is 4 am Melbourne time). So I'm looking at 24 straight hours of travel today. What's even worse is that yesterday was St. Patrick's Day and the bar in the hostel where I was staying in Melbourne had a band. A very loud band. I suppose they were playing Irish music but I decided that all music sounds the same through the wall when you're trying to sleep.

I suppose total, numbing exhaustion is all part of the adventure of travel.

Yesterday I took a tour down the Great Ocean Road, which is the Australian equivalent of the Pacific Coast Highway. It was spectacular, and it was the first time I've seen kangaroo roadkill. I tried to take a picture out of the window of the bus but we were going too fast. My conclusion, however, was that they aren't as cute when they are flat.

I also saw a koala. It was presumably alive because it was still in a tree, but they sleep 22 hours a day so it's hard to be sure if it wasn't stuffed and put there by the tour company.

The most famous natural wonder along the Great Ocean Road is the Twelve Apostles, which are rock formations along the coast. The name is a little misleading, though, because thanks to erosion there are only nine left. But I suppose it would be too expensive to change the signs every time one fell over. Even though there were only nine left, however, it was one of the most spectacular things I've ever seen. I wore out the batteries in my camera taking pictures, but they'll never do it justice. I was sorry to leave Australia so soon.

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